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EFT Training in your area
Most illnesses of the body are created by the mind!
For those looking for a natural, simple, non-intrusive way to experience permanent relief from everyday ailments like headaches, through emotional troubles such as rage, anger, grief, fear and phobias and on to major, life affecting conditions like addiction, Fatigue Syndrome and depression, E F T is the answer!
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a therapy that is as powerful as it is simple; as permanent as super-glue and as life changing as a massive lottery win!
Tapping with two fingers on specific “Meridian” points - as used in acupuncture – whilst fully associating with problems, memories and emotions, brings a bout a balance in the patient which dissolves the anchors, or triggers that cause the symptoms feeding the condition, thereby eliminating the condition permanently!
So EFT is a completely holistic therapy as it treats - first and foremost - the person; then the reason for the condition - not the symptom. The symptom is usually the effect of underlying issues and these will be different in everyone presenting with the same symptom, so the treatment MUST be different for each person as their core issues are not similar.
Most uniquely of all, it’s free to learn for anyone who downloads the manual from emof Once learned you have the tools to clear any emotional blockage which in turn triggers the symptoms causing so much distress.
EFT works by cleansing and realigning the flow of energy through the meridian energy system, so that any symptoms caused by the blockage dissolve and do not return. This is achieved by firm, but gentle tapping on specific meridian points on the face, torso and hand, whilst saying a reminder phrase to assist in fully associating with the issue at hand.
This synergy of mind and body effects rapid (sometimes instant) relief from even long held emotional issues and physical symptoms. Because the clearing of these obstacles to recovery there is normally no recurrence of the problem as the cause no longer exists.
If you have any questions, please contact me via email
or visit my website
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