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The Spirit World in Plain English
From the book ‘The Spirit World in Plain English: Mediumistic and Spiritual Unfoldment’
By Glyn Edwards and Santoshan
I realise that all is part of the Divine
and that the Divine is expressing its creativity through all.
This chapter and the two that follow include various classifications of mental mediumship. We hope they will give some understanding of the many facets of mental mediumship, which can be listed under nine headings: (1) clairvoyance, (2) clairaudience, (3) clairsentience, (4) inspirational speaking, (5) inspirational writing, (6) inspirational drawing, (7) automatic writing, (8) automatic drawing and (9) varying stages of trance. It ought to be noted that certain types of spiritual healing can also come under the heading of mediumship, as they can require someone to act as an intermediate or medium between the person seeking healing and the spirit world.
Subjective Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance manifests itself and functions in two ways: subjectively and objectively. In subjective clairvoyance the medium sees images and pictures that are impressed upon the mind. These are perceived by the medium as thoughts conveyed by a person in the spirit world.
Spirit personalities can project images and pictures not only of their features, build, manner of standing and so on, but also objects relating to when they were living in our physical world. Many subjective clairvoyants liken this way of seeing to looking at a photograph in the mind. They may also subjectively see and describe seeing written words, such as names and places. All this is perceived by the medium through his or her subjective consciousness. Yet our own minds and our ability to visualise play a role in enabling the spirit world to impress us through our unconscious mind, so that images can impinge themselves upon our conscious mind, which then create a sense of seeing.
Objective Clairvoyance
Objective clairvoyance is a form of mediumship through which mediums objectively see spirit people, objects and other manifestations of a psychic and mediumistic nature by means of their psychic senses. It interlinks with physical processes of vision. Without this, the objective states of clairvoyance would not be possible. But although there may be the impression of seeing a spirit person visibly with the physical eyes, this is not so, because spirit communicators are not physical individuals. We see them with our psychic eyes.
Remember that the range and ability of both types of clairvoyance (subjective and objective) are governed by the rate of vibration in which they operate through us. Thus, one clairvoyant may see things that another does not because of the degree of difference in his or her abilities.
Some objective clairvoyants also possess what is termed as ‘x-ray clairvoyance’. This is the ability to see objects through intervening physical matter. Clairvoyants with this ability can view the inner parts of the human body, diagnose disease and see the actual processes of healing and decay.
Trance Clairvoyance
Trance clairvoyance occurs when a spirit personality becomes the actual clairvoyant transmitter and speaks through a medium. The spirit will influence the medium’s consciousness and use the medium’s physical mechanisms of speech in order to communicate information about him or herself or other spirit personalities that are conveying information to him or her. He or she may give a philosophical talk (popularly known as ‘channeling’ in New Age literature). The question of whether the medium is a subjective or an objective clairvoyant does not arise, as it is a discarnate spirit and not the medium that has taken over the proceedings.
Telepathic and Other Types of Clairvoyance
Telepathic clairvoyance also has a subjective and an objective state and has to do with the clairvoyant seeing events happening to those still living.
There is also something termed ‘travelling clairvoyance’. In this the medium may be aware of being present at and seeing events that happened in the past, or events occurring in the present or future. This type of clairvoyance can also be perceived in a subjective or an objective manner.
There is another type of clairvoyance that functions without the intervention of the spirit world. This is when information is perceived through the mind of the clairvoyant and through his or her own natural psychic and intuitive perception, in either a subjective or an objective way. Obviously people do not have to be mediums to have this ability.
Clairaudience is the ability to hear spirit voices in either the subjective or objective states. Highly developed clairaudients will be able to identify voices as being male or female, young or old. They are able to describe them with all their inflections and accents. They can hear voices speaking in languages that are not their own and of which they may be unfamiliar, but will be able to convey the information to the recipient simply by repeating the words as they hear them. They often use phrases like ‘They are telling me’ or ‘I hear them say’, which indicates they are hearing clairaudiently.
In the case of hearing objectively, the sound of the spirit voice may be so real as to make the medium believe he or she is hearing audible physical words. But this is not so, because it is not a physical voice. The physical ears do not hear the information; it works through the psychic and mediumistic senses and is sometimes described by clairaudient mediums as ‘hearing in the head’. One way to go about developing this faculty is to adopt an inner receptive attitude of listening and to remain expectant that you may hear something.
This is the ability to sense and feel things about a spirit person. It functions on both the subjective and objective levels. Some mediums with this ability are able to objectively smell perfumes or different odours connected in some way to a spirit communicator’s life on Earth, such as the smell of hops if he or she worked in a brewery.
We may describe impressions we receive through clairsentience as a feeling or sensing of a spirit person being of a certain height or build. We may feel and sense their character and personality, what type of work they did, what part of the country they lived in, and what colour their eyes and hair were. This happens inwardly, as though we intuitively know these things about the person.
In this state the medium could have a feeling of becoming that person in an almost physical way and exhibit the stance, mannerisms or other physical characteristics of the communicator. They might experience the sensation of loss of a limb and even adopt the person’s mental attributes and characteristics. As these occurrences function through our psychic senses and have links with physical abilities of sensing and feeling, they are very much grounded in psychic realms of knowledge.
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A Personal Realisation
I am in tune with the spirit universe. I am in harmony with all of God’s creations. Divine intelligence runs through me, revitalising and awakening me to its dynamic presence.
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‘The Spirit World in Plain English’ is a revised and updated edition of the authors’ first book. In this beneficial manual, internationally known medium Glyn Edwards shares practical exercises and teachings for discovering your inherent mediumistic and spiritual potential. Co-author Santoshan, who has a deep interest in creative, yogic and nature centred spirituality, brings an added dimension to the book. Together, they combined their knowledge in far-reaching ways and cover numerous essentials for understanding and interacting with the ever-present world of the spirit. See for more details.
‘The authors demystify the mediumistic experience …’
– Eileen Davies, medium & spiritual teacher.
‘… literally the bible on development.’
– Amazon UK, customer review of first edition.
‘… crammed with suggested exercises and guidelines for practice.’
– Don Hills, co-editor of GreenSpirit magazine.
Glyn Edwards has worked internationally as a medium for over 35 years, is considered as one of the finest mediums and teachers of psychic and spiritual science in the UK and has worked as a senior course tutor at the esteemed Arthur Findlay College for many years.
Santoshan studied world religions at King’s College London, is the designer of GreenSpirit magazine, an author of several books on spiritual matters and was the bass guitarist of the punk rock and new wave band The Wasps.
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