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This is the great revolution in consciousness that is taking place right now. More and more people are claiming their own power. More and more people are awakening to the simple fact that what they think, declare, and focus on is what they attract into their lives.
We are only victims of our own thinking.
If your life is not working, it’s time to look at your attitudes and thoughts because only here will you find the key to taking control of your life and changing your destiny.
Decide on the life you want, visualize it, affirm it, decree it, focus on it, believe it, have faith in it, and you will find yourself living this life much sooner and much faster than you ever dreamed possible.
The Way the Mind Works
When you realize what it’s all about, it’s almost too simple to be true. It’s almost a joke.
When the realization dawns on you, and you stop laughing, you’ll probably ask yourself why you spent so much of your life working so hard, struggling like mad against outside circumstances, when all you had to do was change your own thinking.
The outside world is just a manifestation of what we choose to think about. Focus on sickness, poverty, and misery, and you will experience these things instantly. Change your focus and concentrate on the feast of life, on your blessings, on all the Good in life, on vibrant health and the abundance of the universe— and instantly they will appear for you.
What changed? The universe surely didn’t. All that changed was your thinking.
The Power of Inner Work
Look around you. Most people are struggling desperately every day to survive or to perform, achieve, and succeed.
So many of us also find ourselves rushing around madly, because we believe that the harder we try, the more worthy we will become as human beings.
I know, I’ve been there myself. I was brought up that way, just like you were. I had the same education and heard all the same arguments we created to justify struggle. For example: That’s the way the world is. You have to work hard to make it. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Life is a struggle. If I work hard enough, maybe they’ll love me. Old age means sickness and misery, etc.
Believing this, we desperately try to force our Good on the outer plane. Until sooner or later, we realize that it just doesn’t work like that. We cannot force our Good on the outer plane.
The real point of power is inside.
So do the inner work. Examine your thoughts and attitudes, dump the ones that don’t work, and adopt the focus that will create the life you want to live.
And leave the outer plane alone.
The outer plane will take care of itself. It’s like a magical computer printout of your life, anytime you press the print command, it will give you an exact reading of what you are thinking on the inner plane.
So forget struggle. Forget hardship. Forget poverty, sickness, and unhappiness. Do the inner work and start enjoying your life right now.
American-born Barbara Berger is the bestselling author of fifteen self-empowerment books. After Barbara left the USA to protest against the Vietnam War in the 1960s, she settled in Scandinavia and continued her quest to learn more about the science of the mind, spirituality and psychology. Today, she gives workshops and coaching to help her clients harness the power of their own minds. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Road to Power is published by O Books 2018, ISBN: 978-1-78535-814-2 (Paperback) £12.99 $19.95.
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