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Each month close to the full moon on The Wirral I hold a Moon Circle to share the ancient teachings of the moon; we gather together in a spirit of love and community. Since beginning my circle, other circles have been created in the UK and abroad joining us together in the old ways of honouring the moon.
The moon is full on October 24th and it is in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and so this moon brings a greater capacity for love and most importantly self-love which is the goal of each and every one of us.
There is a deep connection from this full moon to the constellation of Andromeda and the stars call us as we connect to the lunar light at this time. Our feet need to be firmly planted on mother Earth and she brings us so many of our teachings as we work under the light of the moon but there are times where we need to ascend into the cosmos and draw down the heavenly light from the stars and receive the teachings from the teachers and the stars themselves. This brings the blending of heaven and earth.
Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia and it is interesting that Cassiopeia is the constellation which belongs to Mary Magdalene. The meaning of the constellation of Andromeda is the chained woman, a woman in chains who is ultimately freed so what better symbolism we have for finding the inner freedom to completely own self love.
Here are the teachings for October’s full moon:
Draw down the light of Sirius allowing it to enter your Crown and radiate through you and out into the circle.
The Teachings
Draw down the full moon light knowing that it is filled with the vibrations of Venus, the vibrations of love and wrap the moonlight around you to create your priestess gown feeling the white light shift you from an earthly consciousness to cosmic consciousness.
Prepare yourself to travel out into the universe and make your intentions on the route you are to take which is to the constellation of Andromeda. You feel an acceleration within you, a very powerful vibration which lifts you up into the air and you ascend into the starry heavens. You travel across the sky taking in the wonderful sights of planets and constellations seeing great beauty everywhere. There are pathways across the universe, like motorways, well trodden path ways which can lead you to different constellations.
You arrive at the constellation of Andromeda and you know exactly which planet you are heading to. You step upon the planet and a vast landscape appears before you, a landscape of such great beauty and you can feel the vibrations of peace and harmony here for this is a very advanced planet within the constellation which you have come to.
You see white buildings here set amidst beautiful gardens containing flowers similar to those which grow upon the Earth. Anywhere you may travel in the universe you will always find that life is not so different to the life upon Earth with the exception that we are babies and life upon other planets is far more advanced than ours.
As you look upon the white buildings before you and you realise that these are places of learning and healing you walk towards one of them. When you reach the door of the building you have chosen a priestess dressed in white like you comes to greet you. She looks human in form for the same DNA fills the universe. You can sense that she is wise and loving and you are welcomed into her arms.
The Temple you enter is dedicated to love but it is love for the self for that is the first love and within the temple are delivered teachings to teach everyone how to love themselves. You feel the essence of love fill the air, you feel it in the flowers which are placed around, you feel it in the other beings who are here for you are entering a sacred space of divine love. How your heart has longed to truly love yourself, to love yourself completely for you know that that is when your peace will come. The priestess leads you forwards and she along with others now begins your education of true self love.
The Ceremony
The ceremony takes place outside at night upon the same planet you already visited. The purpose of this ceremony is the renewing of the heart so that any feelings of lack of self-love will be transformed in the light of true understanding.
Wearing your white lunar gown you gather in the Temple Gardens under the full moon around an altar of the most beautiful clear crystal which is carved with crystal flowers which you recognise. Upon the altar is a chalice made of rose quartz and a high priestess speaks sacred words and holds the chalice up to the sky and as she speaks a stream of stars enters into the chalice dissolving into a silvery liquid. Starlight is one of the greatest healers of all and so she passes this around and you drink deeply from the chalice and you feel the Starlight fill your entire being purifying it and releasing any old thoughts of lack of self-love. As you are cleansed and purified you place your hands around your heart and you remove it from you and you feel completely anything within you which does not resonate with self-love. As each of these feelings are released from the heart which you will hold they are transformed into tiny little stars which drop onto the ground filling it with iridescent light everywhere.
Still holding your heart you begin to sing along with the other priestesses a song of love and you feel the love now enter into your heart. At the very moment when the love is so deep and profound a shooting star falls from the heavens and lands within your heart creating a five pointed star within it and this is the moment of transformation for the five pointed star is a symbol of love.
You make a wish and you kiss your heart and you put it back inside where it belongs. You all now have hearts filled with love and to celebrate the wonderful joy of this connection you sit and speak to one another heart to heart sharing with everyone.
The Healing
The five pointed star is the star of Venus and she makes this shape in the sky during her orbit so this star is firmly embedded in her essence. This star is also the star of Mary Magdalene and both the star and Mary Magdalene are associated with the metal copper. Copper is one of the most healing metals of all and it conducts energy and allows it to flow but there is much more to its transformative abilities.
You are to wear a copper coloured gown and wear copper jewellery and then you are to transport yourself to the Greek island of Cyprus whose name means copper for it was the source of much copper in times gone by.
You will be taken to an ancient Temple by the sea and you will watch as the goddess Aphrodite emerges from the sea for this is her Temple and she will take you within it and she will heal you for she is the goddess of love. She will transmit to you the sounds of the planet Venus, these are the sounds of love and you will absorb both her vibrations and the heavenly music and you will feel a great healing take place within you. The healing you will receive will be pure love, you will be healed by love, by the love of the goddess and by love itself and you will feel love as a reality and you can touch it and know it and your whole body will vibrate with the love you have received and you will finally accept that you love yourself.
May you all be touched by the greatest love this month and may the lunar and Venus vibrations bring great transformation to your heart.
From my heart to your heart I send you much love,
There are more teachings from previous months’ moon circles here:
If you would like to begin a moon circle in your area then I will be happy to pass on information to help you to do this. Although you can run a circle any way you want I send out teachings to all the moon circle teachers each month before the full moon and they can use these if they wish. Your contact details can also be added to the contacts page on the website.
If you are interested in beginning your own circle then please get in touch with me at:
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