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Each month close to the full moon on The Wirral I hold a Moon Circle to share the ancient teachings of the moon; we gather together in a spirit of love and community. Since beginning my circle, other circles have been created in the UK and abroad joining us together in the old ways of honouring the moon.
The moon is full on March 31st in the sign of Libra; Libra brings the scales and it is a sign of balance and so with the energies of this month’s moon you have the opportunity to create harmony within. Balance implies many things, the balance of mind, body and spirit but also the balance within of heaven and earth. This spiritual path is about striving towards enlightenment so that we create a union of heaven and earth and we are not separate from anything at all.
Here of the teachings for this month’s full moon:
Draw down the light of Sirius into your Crown and radiate it through you and around you.
The balance to be obtained from this Libran full moon for you personally is about the bringing together of heaven and Earth within you. If you have too much worldly energy you will be out of balance and if you have too much spiritual energy you will be out of balance also and so you must make sure that these two aspects of yourself and your life are equal.
We can use symbols to create balance within and indeed many of you practice Reiki and you use your symbols in your healing work. Symbols are so important to us and they have been since ancient times and at this very moment with the fullness of this moon our attention is being drawn in a much deeper way to these symbols.
It is very interesting that in ancient times the same symbols appeared in different cultures when there was no interaction between them and so it is very apparent that these were received from other dimensions. You are going to work with one of the most powerful symbols of all and I must say to you to be very aware of the power of this symbol when you use it.
The symbol is the vesica pisces, two interlocking circles. This is the symbol of the union of heaven and Earth and it is the symbol of creation, it is a symbol of the divine feminine and so much more. This is the symbol for the Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury; it is amongst the pools of water and on the cover at the wellhead.
You are to work with this symbol and yet this whole experience is very simple indeed, there is no journeying to be done only the merging with the symbol and the connection to the very high energy which you will feel. This is an experience of discovery to fully enter into the symbol and see where it leads you and what it has to teach you. Symbols are gateways, portals into other realms and they are also conscious, as conscious as any spiritual teacher and so they can become a teacher also.
Prepare yourself for the union with this symbol by drawing down the full moon light over you so that you are encased within the light of the moon. Then with the power of the mind increase the light of the moonlight so that it is brighter than you have ever seen it before. You are to bathe in that light and take it in and immerse yourself totally in its brilliance and radiance and take time to do this. The more light you have within the more you are able to see into the deeper mystical realms.
With your hand draw in the moonlight in front of you the symbol of the vesica Pisces and then go and stand in the central part of it. Sit down once more and see yourself going through the Gateway which is the central part of the symbol and you are to see where it leads you as you allow the visions to unfold.
Priestesses in ancient times worked deeply with symbols and this is why they were carved into the temple walls and onto the things which they used in their sacred work. There are many symbols still present at ancient places but at this time when we are being asked to work with the symbols there are new ones being brought to us; the origins of many of the symbols in the past were given directly from spirit and now they will be again.
Put on your black priestess cloak and it will be your transport to take you to a place called the cave of symbols and when you enter inside you will see that the walls are covered in symbols which you have never seen before. You are to take one of the symbols from the wall and as you sit with it you will receive direct information which will be channelled to you about the meaning of this and what it can do for you.
The vesica Pisces means the bladder of the fish which represents a container of water so we know that it brings the water element from which all things are born.
The Chalice Well Garden in Glastonbury is one of the most healing and sacred places in the world and if ever you have been blessed to visit there you will have felt it. The Vesica Pisces is the total expression of the divine feminine and this is why it was chosen for this beautiful garden for it is the goddess herself.
You are to go to this very special garden under the full moon light so that your own divine feminine, the part of you which is a total expression of the goddess can come fully into the light. You travel to the garden and you find yourself in the lower pools and you go in them to purify and cleanse yourself.
You then go to the well head at the top of the garden and you look at the beauty of the well cover which is the vesica Pisces and as you sit there Mary Magdalene appears to you, dressed in the deepest pink, the colour of the sacred feminine. She opens her hands and shows you the same symbol but it is made of rose quartz and she comes to you and she places it in your sacral chakra and this symbol then sinks deep into your womb or your womb space if you do not have one.
As you receive the symbol into the deepest part of your sacred feminine self something very powerful takes place within you, it is as though someone has activated some ancient part of you and you fully accept your female essence.
You receive healing from Magdalene here in the garden and the peace which permeates your heart is so deep and profound.
Keep using this symbol in your work and in your healing, remembering that it brings the perfect balance of heaven and Earth.
Enjoy the full moon and may you receive many blessings to enrich your life.
With love Margaret
There are more teachings from previous months’ moon circles here:
If you would like to begin a moon circle in your area then I will be happy to pass on information to help you to do this. Although you can run a circle any way you want I send out teachings to all the moon circle teachers each month before the full moon and they can use these if they wish. Your contact details can also be added to the contacts page on the website.
If you are interested in beginning your own circle then please get in touch with me at:
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